
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Heroes Of The Epic Of Beowulf By William Shakespeare

Epics consists of benevolent or disastrous intervention from the supernatural world, and the superhuman capabilities that the heroes and antiheroes occupy. Tales like these represent the characteristics of what heroes are considered to be during the time they were written; however, they follow a specific formula, namely that the Gods intervene in the lives of the hero and, that the hero is burdened with a tragic flaw. In Virgil’s Aeneid, it is Aeneas’ dangerous disobedience to the ordinances of the Gods that kills him. In Oedipus Rex, it is Oedipus’s inability to control his temper which proves a mortal flaw. Yet, In Beowulf, despite Beowulf’s heroism and his preoccupation with honor, he operates with free will and without the burden of a character flaw. Heroism is attached with its own qualities that make up the characteristics of Beowulf and Aeneas. Throughout Beowulf, his acts of heroism were highly praised. Many times, the king of the Danes praised Beowulf for his battle accomplishments and believed he would excel in defeating the monster that terrorized his castle. The king looks to Beowulf as if he were his own son, and believes he will one day be a great leader. Towards the end of the epic, the speaker states that â€Å"Onela returned/ To the land of Sweden, leaving Beowulf/ To ascend the throne, to sit in majesty/ And rule over the Geats. He was a good king† (Lines 2387-2390). His fate was not predetermined by God, and this persuades Beowulf to become a righteousShow MoreRelatedMacbeth vs Beowulf874 Words   |  4 PagesBeowulf and Macbeth Beowulf, identified as an epic hero and Macbeth, identified as a tragic hero both are very similar and different in their own ways. The epic poem, Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney and the tragic play, Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare both have heroes as the protagonist of the story. 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